Amiga News Archive

23/11/1998: Fleecy Moss Leaves Amiga Inc.

From recent postings on the comp.sys.amiga.misc news group it seems that Fleecy Moss has left Amiga Inc. He is unable so say why due to his contract but it seems he was sacked. Wild speculation has ensued and in the last couple of days Dr. Allan Havemose has been on the newsgroup reassuring Amigans that OS 5 and OS 3.5 are still continuing. Dr. Havemose says the OS 3.5 pages on the Amiga Inc. website will be changed so it seems like the 3.5 spec may be under review. Rumour has it that Haage and Partner may be taking over the port. Many prominent Amigans and developers are upset by Fleecy's departure because he was their main contact with Amiga Inc.

All at SEAL thank Fleecy for his sterling work, in particular supporting the Amiga community and helping get OS3.5 off the ground. We wish him all the best for the future. See our interview with Fleecy further down the page...

17/11/1998: QNX Announced as Kernel for AmigaOS 5

As we had secretly been hinted at about three and a half months ago (well, someone had a hunch/wish), the new os partner for the Mitchy Amiga, is QNX. See their website - for the announcement. QNX is apparently a very stable, multimedia capable, cross-platform os (it`s already available for a number of chips, including Pentium and PPC). Dr. Havemose said on IRC that he has known of them for years, and about 60% of their engineers are either ex or current Amigans. Put the QNX team together with Dr. H and another 20 people he`ll be employing over the next 6 months or so, and you have a dedicated team whacking together the best os ever seen (or heard... multimedia - geddit ??). Anyway, pathetic jokes aside, this sounds to us, and the guy that said it would be the best os to work into the Amiga ethos, like the best choice. Well done dudes !!

Computer 98 Announcements

Here's a summary of the important announcements made at the recent Computer 98 show in Cologne, Germany:

Amiga Inc. Play Down MMC

In his IRC conference Dr.H is played down the importance of the MMC`s (Magic Mystery Chip) importance in the new Amiga design, saying that the OS they`re working on, could be used on any processor. Hmmmm... Last May this chip was the lynchpin of the whole Mitchy Amiga thang, it seemed. We shall delve further, and get our noses wet (or brown, depending on what we have to do to get info.) :) .

New Releases

Other news from ich bin Cologne, is that the PPC is alive and well! Well, actually, it`s still kinda hungry, but more PPC software is on the way to kill some hunger pains...

Settlers 2
Fantastic Dreams and Candy Factory Pro
ImageFX PPC module soon.
and maybe even Wipeout 2097!
That`s just the beginning.


Napalm obviously isn`t going to be PPC at all, as Clickboom (also obviously) don`t (and maybe haven`t for many months) have any interest in PPC. As you no doubt know already, someone (who says it wasn`t CB in disguise ??), put an `illegal` PPC patch for Quake on Aminet, claiming it was from CB. Of course, CB spat the dummy, and jumped on another excuse to say `no` to PPC Quake from them. Never mind that many people bought Quake from them, on the strength of their promise to do a PPC version/patch later. Also of course it doesn`t matter that Clickboom produced Quake on the strength of what `illegal programmers` had managed to do with the Quake source. Pot...Kettle...Black ?? Just our opinion... but CB still know there are many many PPC`ers who are desperate for their PPCQuake, whether they are playing the `illegal` version or not. And if there are between 7 - 10,000 PPC`ers out there, surely at least 50% would buy it. C`mon CB, wake up.

CB are having a good couple of months...they've put the ultimate stupid question up on heir website... "Which is better - PPC or Amiga 2 ?"....Um, hello ?? Which is real, CB - Horses or Unicorns ??? Hmmmmm...

On the up-side, CB are taking suggestions for games to port from the PC to Amiga...head on over to to cast your wish. I'm hoping for a decent WW1 or WW2 flight-sim for PPC.

Phase 5 Developments

We`ve heard that Phase 5 have suspended development for the `Classic` Amiga, while they adopt a `wait and see` attitude as to what Amiga Inc do in the near future.


Hello?? We already know what they`re doing... releasing os3.5 with PPC support. This wouldn`t be a case of `you chose H&P PPC stuff for os3.5, so we`re going to sulk and not give you our sweeties`, would it ? Or is it that they`re unhappy also about seeing dual G3 (like the current Mac`s use) processors on the horizon for the `Classic` Amiga from other parties ?

-Gary Storm

I have to disagree with Gary Slightly here, in my opinion Phase 5's wait-and-see attitude is very understandable - although OS 3.5 has been announced it remains to be seen what is going to be included and how it will be implemented. At the end of the day Phase 5 are still producing their current products and have introduced the BlizzardVision PPC which is as much as any other Amiga hardware company. I'm glad they are still considering Classic Amiga development.

-Robert Williams (Not associated with Phase 5, just happy owner of their products)

UK Phase 5 dealers White Knight and Blittersoft have semi-recently dropped the price of Phase 5's products too. This makes all the PPC and graphics cards more attractive but the A1200 cards look especialy good. You can transform your 1200 with an 040, PPC, fast SCSI and a graphics card for just over 400 pounds (less then �350 without SCSI). White Knight have a web-site now (yay!!), at for you to drool over PPCs`s.

Opus Magellan 2

Opus Magellan II is out, along with an extra disc full of enhancements and themes for it (called the DOpus Plus CD) :) We have it...and so should you. Get it now. Or visit GP Software's website for a preview then get it :) We have a review in the Winter issue (2) of Clubbed.

Bill McEwen at AmiWest98

Rick Rudge has transcribed Bill McEwen's (Amiga Inc's marketing man) first speech from July's AmiWest show. It's available on the Team Amiga news pages. At least he used Scala for the video stuff :)

Amiga Writer demo

Haage & Partner have released a demo version of their new word-processor, Amiga Writer (formerly known as Easy-Writer....soon to be known as 'The writer formally known as Easy' ?? :). The German version is on their web-site now,and the English version in a few days. Haage & Partner

68k emulation

H&P also have a 68000 series emulator for ppc, which will potentially allow Amiga os 3.1 to run under emulation on ppc-only accelerators. The speed of the emulation is expected to be the equivalent of a 68040/25, on a ppc 604.

Amiga Inc stuff

Recently, Joe Torre has left Amiga Inc, amicably, as he felt he wasn't needed as much anymore, now that A-Inc are concentrating on software. We'll miss you Joe.....stay in touch.

Fleecy Moss has also been saying a (very) little about some plans for the next miggy ..."Mitchie". We appreciate Fleecy clearing some of the smog. His words pose many more answers than questions, though...especially concerning whether Amiga-Inc will be making any emulation of "Classic" Amiga's. Fleecy says that they won't, but some licensees may. They're very busy at the moment designing the next os, and applications. Check out an interview with Fleecy at the Amiga Web Awards site. Vote for us while you're there ! :)


Rhino has been playing with the Napalm demo, from Clickboom, and is ultra-impressed. Rusty, who is a Command & Conquer dictator, has played around with it too and feels it's much better than C&C. Can't wait. Hope Clickboom make a ppc version.


Rhino has whacked in StrICQ, and is well impressed. Keep track of your friends (and enemies ?) on the net. Download all you need from here


Another cool proggie to make us smile lately is preview 5 of Yam (Yet Another Mailer). No doubt you're all using it anyway, but just in case, go here

Image FX 3.2 upgrade

Mainly just to fix some bugs, and make things more stable. Wobble on to Nova Design


AmigaSoc need all you miggy users to register (free) for Football365. Let's show the world the miggy is still well represented, whether you're into football or not. Go see why at AmigaSoc

CU Amiga to Close

CU Amiga Magazine, a bastion of the UK Amiga community, announced yesterday (13th August), that the magazine will cease publication with the October issue.

CyberVision PPC In Production

Phase 5's 2D/3D graphics card for their CyberStorm PPC accelerators is finally here, we have the full story with pictures of the board.

No 68k on PPC ?

Latest rumour doing the rounds is that Phase 5 are going to be releasing ppc boards in a couple of months, without a native 68k processor on board. They will be using Haage & Partner 68k emulation instead. This may not be a good thing, if the ppc slows down too much. Although the boards will be much cheaper, We prefer the real 68k on board, to free up the ppc to get on with it's own thing. Time will tell.....


This rumour was recently quashed by Ralph Schmidt, the Phase 5 PPC software guy, in his usual direct way on the PowerUP mailing list:

> On 11-Jul-98 Dyad_Roth Wrote: :-?
> ->i just read some 'disturbing' news on stating
> that the ->blizzard ->will be discontinued as of now ... ARGH what
> will this mean .. WILL the ->blizzardvisionppc come trough or will
> we get upgrade plan to go to te new ppc ->card or what ? some sane
> steady advice would be appreciated here please ...
> If you read the complete text, it says that the new cards will have
> the G3 processor... and it might be a smart thing to use the same
> GFX cards for the new PowerUps. ;)

This rumour is complete bullshit.

Ralph Schmidt,,NextMail welcome
   Phase5    ,,NextMail welcome

Tornado 3d PPC

Rhino has been informed that Tornado 3d (v2) is available and ppc happy, with speeds of 6 to 9 times faster than an 060. A free upgrade is available to existing users, and he says it looks really cool. Expect some 3d gfx from rhino as he plays :) Check out the Eyelight website.

SEAL's World of Amiga '98 Report

Members of SEAL were at WoA '98 on the Friday for the big Amiga Inc. announcement, and for the show on the Saturday. We have a very comprehensive illustrated report written by Gary Storm on the show and the announcement.